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Ultimate Guide: Simple Top 10 Blog Tips in simple words to become a fearless blogger

  • →The first step is to prepare a personal intro of your life and articulate the goal of creating your blog.
  • →Second, decide what to write, pick something you are passionate about. The post can be short or long, it should be unique.
  • →Third, Before you start writing about any particular topic do through research. Go through top blogger’s blogs like Neil Patel, Just a Girl and Her, Harsh Agrawal's Shout Me Loud, pro blogger, etc., about how they commenced their journey for motivation. Most of the people will read the headline and analyze the content only a few out of them will read the content. So your job is to grab the attention of the viewers to read your article by creating an eye-catchy Headline.
  • →Fourth, the most important step to create your first post is to Be Yourself.
  • →Fifth, viewers want to know where and why you started the blog. So give an intro very carefully and uniquely. First, just start writing what comes in your mind.I just followed this pro tip to start my first blog post. "Anne Lamott, the author of a book on writing we love, says that you need to give yourself permission to write a “crappy first draft.” Anne makes a great point — just start writing, and worry about editing it later." _source from WordPress sample blog post.
  • →Sixth, Make good content between 500 words to 1000 words, anything less than 500 words is bad for SEO perspective and more than 1000 words will make your viewer boring.
  • →Seventh, Color change Tip I follow While writing contents is I always think as I’m talking directly to the reader and the reader is sitting before me.
  • →Eighth, using images in your blog post to make it more beautiful and professional as well as a good choice but using fewer images will benefit you for SEO.
  • →Ninth, Use proper writing formats and consider using bullet points to make it simple and catchy.
  • →Tenth, When you’re ready to publish, once you're all set to publish your post give your post 3 to 5 tags that suit your blog. And make sure on the tag is “zerotohero” to help new bloggers to find you _suggested by WordPress.

End up your blog post motivating your readers to do something like asking their views about the topic, asking a question, or simply a request to share your blog post. So these were the top 10 tips to write your first blog post. Hope you’ll learn from these tips and will be able to write your first blog post. 

Please feel free to share your view and if this post helpful do share with someone who you think might get benefited from this post. And if you want to become a better writer, download your checklist to write an amazing blog post. Please do subscribe to get simple awesome tips to improve your blogging skill. 

And before I go, Question of the day is - How do you motivate yourself when you're depressed? And do let me know where you get stuck in your blogging journey in the comments below.
This is santhoshi signing off 😊, and I'll talk to you in the next featured post. In the featured post, I'll be going to share an awesome resource list.



Keyword Research_Ultimate Guide  to get Rank#1 your Blog Post in Google | SEO #2 Daily One  Keyword  &  Headline : SEO Every day we get started with some mottos, a bit of laughter, and grief sometimes. Sometimes I feel so numb when I get stuck with a lot of thinking and feel drained. Then I prefer to start learning a new thing every time.  IMG source: pixabay Keyword_SEO_Newstoryquipo. Today I read the life-changing quote i.e, "Only you hold the key to your true potential ". short and motivational... Right? For every problem there a key solution will be hidden in it, but we ourselves have to be sharp enough to grab it. Right? Life changed Quote : One should Believe in themselves, their abilities, and their own potential. Never let self-doubt hold you captive. Every key will never open all doors, likewise, a perfect keyword for a perfect blog post will be placing your post at first place in search engines whether its a google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., Keyword KD Volume   Update