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Keyword Research_Ultimate Guide  to get Rank#1 your Blog Post in Google | SEO #2 Daily One  Keyword  &  Headline : SEO Every day we get started with some mottos, a bit of laughter, and grief sometimes. Sometimes I feel so numb when I get stuck with a lot of thinking and feel drained. Then I prefer to start learning a new thing every time.  IMG source: pixabay Keyword_SEO_Newstoryquipo. Today I read the life-changing quote i.e, "Only you hold the key to your true potential ". short and motivational... Right? For every problem there a key solution will be hidden in it, but we ourselves have to be sharp enough to grab it. Right? Life changed Quote : One should Believe in themselves, their abilities, and their own potential. Never let self-doubt hold you captive. Every key will never open all doors, likewise, a perfect keyword for a perfect blog post will be placing your post at first place in search engines whether its a google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., Keyword KD Volume   Update
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Top  Ultimate Guide CHECKLIST : What to Do Before and after you post on your blog. SEO ARTICLE | BLOG MARKETING     Do’s before you post Pick the perfect Niche. Add a catchy title. Research Keywords . Use Keywords in Post Titles. Grammar check. Create backlinks. SEO Optimization i.e., tags, categories. Proofread it. Check punctuations. Check letter formation.                                         Check Spelling and Tense. Link your previous blog posts to engage readers. Check Dimensions of image for various platforms. Add Alt text to your images. Credit your sources. End with a question & call to action.     Do’s after you post Share on all social platforms . Check SEO again. Interact with the audience. Check broken backlinks monthly. Extend content with future posts.